Music to your ... eyes
23 August 2022
First things first: I have not read the novel this is based on. Even without that knowledge, what I do know: you can never fully translate what has been written on page onto the screen (no pun intended). Even if it is only for the fantasy or what every reader made up for themselves.

That being said, the movie is flowing along nicely (no pun intended here either). The lead roles are wonderfully portrayed and we do stick with the character of Kya (Marsh Girl as many call her demeaningly). There are some instances we move away from her, which may feel like a cheat to some (again, no idea how the book is solving that), because it feels like the movie is being told by her mostly.

Which of course makes most of it "subjective" - and raises the question if we get to know what actually happened. While we are not being spoon fed all the answers, we will get answers, so fret not. The book allegedly (according to a friend of mine who read it), is more vivid when it comes to what happened. Also it resolves it differently in the end (again no pun intended).

There is quite a lot of romance and a lot of beautiful landscape we get to see too. The structure is well chosen, with back and forths - so we get the full picture of how life must have been like for our main character. Also when the final conclusion comes, we realize the answer was there all along ... and everything we have been told played a big role indeed ...
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