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23 August 2022
On first watch, "Pattern Seventeen" was a great episode and really stayed with me emotionally in both a disturbing and moving way. The subject is a hard hitting and relevant one that was still a big problem at the time the episode was made and aired and still is shockingly. 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' have proven many times that it can tackle tough and controversial issues and do so uncompromisingly yet also tactfully when done right.

To me, "Pattern Seventeen" is a great episode and one of Season 16's best and it is criminally underrated here. Absolutely not deserving of being one of the lower rated episodes, indicating that it is one of the season's worst when to me it is nowhere near close to that. It does a great job with its subject matter and is more the uncompromising yet tear jerking episodes than the preachy and overly predictable ones like too many latter seasons 'Special Victims Unit' episodes have been. And in the worst cases quite badly.

A perfect episode it's not. Olivia's subplot was not needed and could have been excised. Some of the issues here are familiar ground.

But other episodes have executed this far more problematically, especially a vast majority of the ripped from the headlines type of cases from Season 16. That is including most of the season's previous episodes. At least the execution felt fresh. So much is great in "Pattern Seventeen". It is shot with the right amount of intimacy without being claustrophobic and that the editing has become increasingly tighter over-time has been great too. Nice use of locations too. The music doesn't get over-scored or overwrought, even in the more dramatic revelation moments. The direction doesn't try to do too much and is understated but never flat or unsure.

Furthermore, the script is lean and thought provoking. It is especially good when talking about the consequences of cold cases being abandoned and how bad the agencies communications can be. Which did make me feel saddened and angry. The story is utterly riveting and suspenseful, was worried that the link with Rollins and her past would mean that Rollins would dominate the case, but it actually not only was handled with tact but also tied with the case.

It felt like early 'Special Victims Unit', with the SVU working like a team and doing so professionally and any personal drama does not distract. Carisi also proves why his addition has been as refreshing as it has been. The perpetrator is one of the most skin crawling in quite some time. The performances are without issue.

Overall, great. 9/10.
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