Babysitter (I) (2022)
Thoroughly Silly
22 August 2022
I was a bit worried at the start, which has some very loud and (literally) in-your-face characters at an MMA/boxing event - the location of the initial "incident" - but fortunately it soon calms down, albeit maintaining the absurdist comedy tone throughout.

A lot will depend on how you react to the characters, I suspect. Personally, I really didn't like the brother, but for me that wasn't a really big issue, given the other three core cast members.

Tonally, trying to say something serious about misogyny whilst at the same time showing various pneumatic supporting characters is tricky, and I'm not sure this fully succeeds, but the underlying "journey" that the wife undergoes as the baby transitions to (an incredibly cute) toddlerhood was quite charming, I thought.

Worth a look.
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