The Walking Dead: Worth (2018)
Season 8, Episode 15
22 August 2022
Was not impressed by Season 8 on the whole, wasn't that taken with Season 7 either but 8 was more problematic with a higher number of bad episodes. The season admittedly did get better with episodes like "The Lost and the Plunderers" and "The Key", but the first half of it was incredibly shaky to say the least (and that is being generous) with a large percentage of bad episodes. Am saying this as a fan of 'The Walking Dead' pre-Season 7 and as someone who has always aimed to be encouraging when reviewing, this is not coming from someone wanting to hate or following the crowd.

Season 8 is not exempt from good episodes, and one of those good episodes that is up there with the season's better efforts is its penultimate outing "Worth". Not great or a 'The Walking Dead' high point, but a worthy effort that doesn't disgrace the show in the way that the season's first half did. "Worth" says goodbye to a major character, and it turns out to be one of the better character exits in a long time and it contains some of the season's best acting.

By all means, "Worth" is not perfect. It is a bit too talk heavy and some of it rambles, like the typical long winded dialogues of Negan. It does have moments of ridiculousness, especially in the Saviors subplot and everything with Eugene.

Did find Eugene's contribution to the story extraneous irritating padding and those that dislike or even hate Eugene are not going to be converted, he is as annoying as ever.

However, so much is good here in "Worth". It is worth it for the brilliant performance of Steven Ogg, the best individual performance of the season. It is a fiercely chilling and powerful turn and he has electrifying chemistry with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who also delivers on the chills and menace. The death is truly brutal and doesn't feel gratuitous or a cheap way to get rid of somebody, like too many of the character exits in recent years. The whole climax is exciting and the episode does finish a lot more strongly than it started. The rest of the acting is fine, though Ogg is in a different league to everyone else.

Furthermore, it has a genuinely atmospheric look and it is one of the few Season 8 episodes where the photography, which tended to be disorganised and self-indulgent, wasn't a problem. Kudos too to the makeup and prosthetics, which are some of the most accomplished and creepiest in a while. The writing is not perfect but it is thought provoking and intriguing. The music is suitably ominous.

Unlike most of the season's episodes, there is forward momentum and progression (apart from with Eugene), feeling like it's going somewhere rather than being too much like filler. The story has tautness and tension, especially in the last act, and the beginning with Rick is touching. Failing only with Eugene.

Overall, not great but for Season 8 quite impressive. 7/10.
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