Dead average horror
22 August 2022
This is the second Hammer Horror film I've watched, and it's dampened my enthusiasm for these cult classic English horror films a little. While Dracula: Prince of Darkness (the first one I watched) was far from perfect, I enjoyed it a lot more. It was made the same year as The Plague of the Zombies, and seeing how many locations and sets look almost identical makes me fearful that these horror films are going to get really repetitive really fast.

Still, I'll keep watching a few more at least. Maybe this is just one I was never going to be crazy about, and I'll find more enjoyment in others. And even then, there's nothing shockingly bad about The Plague of the Zombies- it's just a little slow, and didn't have going for it when it came to characters, shocks, or story.

But it was far from badly made or terrible, save the cheapness of reusing the sets without redecorating them much I guess. But in the end, the most memorable part is probably how the daughter character says "father" about 19 times in the first 15 minutes of the film.
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