Not terrible, not great, but still clearly lacking
19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great choice in casting so far as Tatiana gracefully places herself in the shoes of Jennifer Walters. She delivers the material in a way that fits neatly in the mold of the MCU. That said, the writing is where the show is lacking. In the first episode we get a chance to see how JW deals with becoming She-Hulk, except we never see her have to deal with anything. Instead, we are presented with a montage of her training with the ultimate conclusion being that she is simply naturally more capable. This explanation is acceptable because it is a TV show and her background needed to be quickly established; however, it was done so in a way that completely undermined the effort that Bruce had to put over the course of 15+ years to control his hulk powers. His entire growth arc was effectively thrown away in one 40 minute episode. Although it meant to comedic, it was unnecessary for the overall message.
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