Sorry Angel (2018)
Too long and talkative
19 August 2022
I admit, French films are usually boring for me, talky and not necessarily a source of great pleasure in terms of acting either. I was correspondingly sceptical when I stumbled across this film and unfortunately I was not taught any better. The dialogues are artificial and unbelievable, every sentence contains wisdom, instruction, earthiness. Nothing comes easily in this story that wants to be more significant than it is. I couldn't warm up to the actors and their characters, a feat, because nothing seemed realistically captured to me. That alone would not be a reason for failure, but the pace is very slow, there is non-stop talking, hardly anything happens for long stretches and when it does, it is contrived. Seen in this light, Sorry Angel remains a thesis paper about the times when AIDS was a death sentence and lacks any soul.
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