Untold (2021– )
Victim Blaming
18 August 2022
This documentary should have been the opportunity for Manti to speak out, but it was vastly overshadowed by his perpetrator's attempt to justify her actions because she was a confused person at the time.

Just because you are a part of a marginalized group does not make you a good person. 'Naya' is a deeply disturbed person who created an elaborate scheme (on purpose!) to satisfy her own needs - which she admitted in the series. She shows absolutely no remorse, made no apology and really doesn't take any accountability for the sick, twisted web of lies she weaved. Oh, and she involved a CHILD in this fake relationship persona she crafted. Sick, grotesque are the best words I can use to describe her and I don't feel they adequately sum up what an evil and manipulative thing she did to Manti. She had every opportunity to come clean and take ownership, but didn't. She even had the nerve to be upset with Manti for releasing the voicemails she left him so he could try and prove how convincing she was as a woman over the phone.

How is this not victim blaming?!

Add on the morally-deprived so called "journalists" at Deadspin who feel there is a time limit on someone's choice to respond to their personal life and the other major media outlets like CNN and Sports Illustrated and trusted names like Katie Couric and Anderson Cooper who not only regurgitated the lies but were part of the camp who went as far to question Manti's sexually and the sheep-like mentality of the general public who will just believe everything they hear......I mean, how can you not feel for the poor guy?

Was he naive - yes. Did he deserve to be publicly ridiculed and crucified, ultimately leading to ruining his life? I hope the the majority would agree that the answer is a clear NO.
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