One battle for the fight for freedom can lead to many more, even if it is lost
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Dutch West Indies is the setting of this historical drama set in the late 1700's on the island of Curaçao and deals with riots demanding freedom after learning that slavery has been abolished on other nearby islands. The group of rebels have walked off of their plantations hoping for a peaceful meeting with the governor, but he won't even see them. Of course this leads to increased battles and some surprising support, particularly by a wealthy aging white woman who when asked why she's helping them simply responds "Because it's right."

With a large cast led by Obi Abili as the title character and Danny Glover as his mentor, this is a very touching drama that doesn't just focus on the main issue but the determination to survive a battle that probably can't be won. The government won't free the slaves, but they don't want to kill them either, and it's obvious that they are concerned how the world would react and are too stubborn to face the fact that they were wrong in enslaving these people in the first place. This is just one exposure of the evils of slavery and the inhumanity of those who had slaves but refused to see their actions as anything but their privilege. Quite a stunning movie.
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