Seems to contradict itself
17 August 2022
Watching one episode and I'm already irritated with the lack of information or sources for the information. There is no evidence or ancient sources saying the great pyramid of Giza was ever used as a tomb, there is no evidence that Khufu ever built it. The person first inside the great pyramid said he saw Khufu's name painted in the wall, yet there is no mention of it in his journals where he detailed everything that was done and found. All the burial paints that give direction to the soul after death and are found in the walls in the tombs of the valley of the kings are not in the pyramid. Part of the reason Khufu is associated with the pyramid is because the head of the sphinx looks like him. The sphinx was covered in sand up to its head and believed to be only a head when the pyramid was investigated and associated with Khufu. Since that time the sphinx was unburied and it is believed the head was re-carved to what it is now from something else.

Even discounting all that they say the total cost of the pyramid including labor and resources cost the modern equivalent of so much. Well earlier in that episode they said they didn't know if it was built by slaves or paid workers. How do they know how much the labor costs were when they don't even know if the laborers where paid? The talk about how much the stone cost. The stone was mined from Egypt the pharaoh owns Egypt, anything found in Egypt belonged to the pharaoh he would not have paid for it. So the cost of the stone is truly how much people were paid to mine sculpt and transport it. So again how do you know how much it cost if you don't know if the workers were paid and how much? They don't even know how many people worked in the pyramid. Some experts believe it was started and completed under different pharaohs so you can't even say one person spent all that money on it.

If you are stating it as fact I expect there to be records and sources and not just 1 lone Egyptologist, where they don't even list his educational credentials, although since he doesn't have the title of doctor I suppose his education isn't really as high as some Egyptologist who I've heard speak about the pyramids and say there is no evidence of them ever being used as tombs.

There was a surprising lack of detail and information regarding these historical world famous tombs, if they spent so much money on it I want details.
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