Red Rose (2022)
Disappointing YA
17 August 2022
Eagerly tuned in with my teenage daughter who devours YA shows but we were sorely disappointed. This sounded so promising but sadly it's let down by poor writing and some very poor acting with teenagers who look mid twenties at best! There are too many moments that feel like they've been written by a middle aged man who's never met a teenager let alone understands what it's like to be a teenage girl.

It lacks the charm, wit and style of competing YA shows. None of the characters are likeable so why would we care what happens to them. The idea of the app is so intriguing but the way it's been realised on screen feels incredibly unimaginative. A waste of a good idea and a total let down I'm afraid. My daughter was begging me to turn it off after twenty minutes but we stuck it out to the end of the first episode hoping it would improve. It didn't.
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