Review of Untold

Untold (2021– )
Damage mentally ill people do
17 August 2022
I never heard of any of this before, so had no opinion going in.

Netflix did a good job showing Manti and how much he was a victim of someone who was not in a good space. He was a good person that got damaged by the actions of a toxic person.

It also outlines how mentally unfit the media is in its need to tear people apart without knowing the story. Journalism has died if it even existed. There is a clear agenda and drama sells and they bathe in it like psychos bathe in blood.

It's a real example of how judgemental people are in society when it comes to others. That need to hate someone for something that isn't relevant to who they are but will define how they are treated. The moment people felt Manti had lied they wanted to destroy him ... there was no escape no matter what the truth was. Either he was part of the hoax and was a terrible person; or he was catfished and a sucker; or that he was trying to hide he was gay and couldn't be a leader.

The only thing that should have mattered is if he could play football to the NFL. People will try to talk about being and outstanding person with impeccable morals and background but let's face it they are just football players and that league is full of scandalous people not saints.

In the end people persevere through adversity and it's clear that Manti has become stronger because of it and likely a lot more humble and empathetic than he would have been had he been a top pick NFL player worth hundreds of millions. That is probably his only saving grace ... he got destroyed by public opinion over falling for someone who lied to him instead of being destroyed by a life where the fame and wealth could have destroyed who he was as a person by making him think he was better than others and descended into that pit of destruction so many fall into when the commercial juggernaut takes over your life and exploits and chews you up until your worthless to them.

As for Lennay, they explained how it all went down. I don't know if they will ever truly understand the hurt they inflicted. They seem more interested in acknowledging their gender orientation than to discuss how wrong what they did was. I take this as Netflix wanting to humanize the story of them so that they are not vilified as a monster for what they did. I accept that given the aptitude of the average weirdo with social media who would probably make death threats to them. These are the same people who tore Manti apart for having feelings for someone that was a lie to begin with.

The end lesson is to be yourself when exploring relationships with someone else, lying about who you are or pretending to be something you are not is going to hurt someone when the real you becomes apparent. Be true to yourself and to others like Manti was.
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