I Will Follow (2010)
i will follow
16 August 2022
Not bad for a first film from a great director. I admire how Duvernay creates a world of innate decency and goodwill, with nary a butthole in sight. But therein lies the problem, in my opinion. Too much of this movie is bathed in a feel good, glowing, let's have a cleansing cry and get on with our lives mood that at times comes perilously close to Lifetime TV. The film needs more conflict as in the sharp quarrel between the cousins over the aunt/mother's cancer treatment, by far the best scene. And someone should have shot the piano player who provided that syrupy, intrusive score that sounds like an ad for a hospice care facility in Malibu. Give it a generous B minus as a too conventional start to a decidedly unconventional directorial career.
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