12 August 2022
When this first aired it"had"a promising premise,but as the seasons go forward.. It's a dumpster fire with"So called friends & lovers pouring the gasoline,for their 15 minutes too.

She is not inspirational,offers nothing intriguing within episodes"maybe"a few early on,but now it's about imaginary boyfriends & other eye roll moments that help make an episode.

This really should of been canceled a few seasons back,because its become stale.

It's horrible what her mom is going through,but again.. How does this equal a show? It's still the Whitney hour & her fake friends rally around,as though she's the one sick.

It's unfortunate she makes,her so-called living like this.

Oh sure she has that side business with the trainer,but even that feels like a money making joke.

Whitney get off your narcissistic platform,into the real world & maybe once your co-defendant friends stop feeding your lifestyle.. You will change!

Until than.. I can't watch this anymore,until it changes for the better.

Feel TLC should change from,The Learning Channel instead: Too Large Channel or The Large Channel,as half their programs is exploiting large people versus really helping them.
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