Review of Joyride

Joyride (II) (2022)
11 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have really went somewhere because Charlie Reid was just so interesting. But the movie took a boring and uneventful turn and went downhill from there. Also if you cannot stand crying bby's in a movie, this one will annoy you as it did me. It's like OK I GET IT THE BBY'S UPSET, NOW MOVE ONTO THE STORY! The female lead was forgettable at best, but really this was an emotionally strange movie. The motherly vibe they were going for was spoiled by her emotionless actions towards the baby. She loved one child but not the other and then totally switches? Just all around a strange and not worth the time it took watching it. ALL my stars go to Reid and I will watch whatever he does next because he knows how to act!
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