Cheers to KD.
10 August 2022
Hollywood can take a lesson or two from KD.

If only they can put down the hammer, not use green man, take off their capes, spandex, not wear their underwear outside, not have wings, shoot arrows, wear red amour, then maybe just maybe they can match KD shows.

Hollywood has lost touch of any human interest story since that movie about meeting at the top of the Empire State building, not since Tom Hanks looks like an adolescent. The British also lost their edge in human interest story, since Jane Austin era.

Back to this show. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed another wonderful KD series. Since Soft Landing, KD shows have skyrocketed with fantastic shows, like It's ok not to be ok, that coffee shop guy, Business proposal, my first something something, sorry I can't remember those titles. I also fall behind on Korean actors names, their movies etc. Their names all sound the same to me, lol, also I can't tell if they are male or female from their names. That's my bad. Not like I can rattle off names of Hollywood stars dating back to Spencer Tracy, Audrey Hepburn, to Tom Hanks, Arnold, etc.

My only criticism is that when I was getting all worked up, enjoying a feast, having almost my fill, the show just cuts off. What? Uh? Please say there is a season 2. Imagine you're enjoying your meal, getting your palate all worked up, then the waiter comes and yanks your plate away. What????

So many loose ends. So many endings to close.

Help. Season Two.... pleeeeeeez....pleeez.
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