Better Call Saul: Waterworks (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
This show is what's wrong with modern TV/movies...
9 August 2022
Actually what I mean is watching these final few episodes of BCS just makes me very sad, not just because this all-time great writing, which has inspired me to feel actual connection and care about fictional characters whose lives are falling part...but because it just shows how bad 99.9 percent of TV and movies are in 2022

Sure BB/BCS would always be the elite of the elite in any era, but I felt like back with BB we had other classics in the making like Mad Men, the excitement of early seasons TWD (even though I stopped watching after S4, early on it was great), GoT in it's prime seasons, SO much more. Same goes for movies.

What do we have now though? Succession, although I would say even though I absolutely love that show it's not on the level of any of those I mentioned except TWD. A couple other smaller niche shows, and then just mountains of recycled IP garbage like all of this Marvel magic man in tights BS that I got the initial appeal of but if you're still excited about Marvel releases idk what to say to you. Same goes for the ever expanding DC, Star Wars, etc etc universes. Never mind the cultural messages that have been worked into almost everything, especially those on Netflix and other platforms...and to be fair I agree with a lot of the underlying goals of them, but I just don't want them in place of story and character.

Anyway, everyone else said a lot about the episode, so I just want to say I hope this inspires original creations and slow burn, classic storytelling to be created and green lit by studios because wow, when this is gone, we will be in a quality content Death Valley.
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