Would have been better made as TV drama
8 August 2022
Redeeming Love is my all time favourite book and I have read it on numerous occasions. I was apprehensive about watching the film as like all films made from a book it can be brilliant or it can be a complete letdown.

Redeeming love is a book that has depth and meaning along with a wonderful storyline. You get to know and love the characters, unfortunately the film missed this. Yes the story of love, forgiveness and heartache is included in the film but it lacks the relationships built between the characters which is one on the main concepts within the book.

2 hours isn't long enough for this film to fully grasp the true story of Redeeming love. I sat watching this film thinking to myself they have missed the best parts of the book and it felt rushed.

They should have skipped making a film and produced a series where they truly focused on the characters, their life stories and the relationship/friendships built amongst the characters.

Will I watch it again? No Will I read the book again? Yes.
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