And now we are treated to a mirror...
8 August 2022
Right, well another year, another "Amityville" movie. Or something like that.

Given the track record of the "Amityville" franchise movies since the original 1979 movie, I have to admit that my hopes and expectations for the 1993 addition to the franchise, titled "Amityville: A New Generation", wasn't exactly great. However, I opted to sit down and watch it, simply because I had the opportunity to do so. And who knew, maybe this would be the movie that turned the downward slope upside down.

But no. That wasn't the case. In fact, the storyline in "Amityville: A New Generation", as written by Christopher DeFaria and Antonio Toro was pretty weak and thin if you're hoping for a proper "Amityville" movie. Sure, the house was in there, but shown as a reflection in a mirror. Yeah, this movie focuses on a mirror infused with the evil essence of the Amityville house. That was the extend of the creativity here.

So now there has been a lamp, a clock and now a mirror. What is next? A ceramic mug?

If you shed off the "Amityville" mantle from "Amityville: A New Generation", then you have a fair adequate horror movie. But you sit down to watch an "Amityville" horror movie with the intentions of it being something worthwhile like the 1979 movie. But instead we are given lousy cash-in movies that only have the title in common with the original source material.

The acting in "Amityville: A New Generation" was actually fair enough, and I will say that they had a handful of great names on the cast list, with the likes of Julia Nickson, David Naughton, Richard Roundtree, Terry O'Quinn, Robert Rusler and even Lin Shaye. So there are some established horror performers in the movie.

I will say that "Amityville: A New Generation" was a watchable movie, if you don't look at it as an "Amityville" movie. But that sort of beats the purpose of the movie.

My rating of "Amityville: A New Generation" lands on a generous four out of ten stars.
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