You couldn't possibly win a war with fellow countrymen like this.
8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You couldn't possibly win a war with fellow countrymen like this.

Meanspirited war drama with David Warner finding harassment at every turn for being sent back to England for non-commissioned officers training after a stint in Germany. His bunkmates instantly harass him to the point of threatening him with vicious bullying, and while withdrawing into himself, he's trying to think of a humane way to deal with them, with Nicol Williamson being the worst. This is definitely a slam at the British class system as well as the military, and it's extremely unpleasant to watch.

I couldn't find one positive reason to watch this with an open mind because it represents the worst parts of humanity and serves absolutely no positive purpose. It's a two hour view of a very depressing existence with only one or two moments where anyone shows any kind of decency. And these were the type of men the world was counting on to fight for freedom and justice and destroy fascism, when the bulk of the men here represent exactly what the world was fighting against. Great actors try to find their way in a very talky ugly film where nothing comes out of their mouths but vile garbage. If you ever want to see a film where grown men become battleaxes, then this is it.
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