Review of The Resort

The Resort (2022– )
I've seen better, but also seen much, much worse.
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I don't hate it but I find the characters themselves sort of boring. So far, the story behind the mystery is moving a bit slow but is enough to keep me interested thus far. The actions of the main couple are pretty questionable from the get go. Are they really wandering through an abandoned, run down resort in Mexico? One that is potentially connected to a gang or cult? That's a stretch even by horror movie standards. At least the younger couple can blame their actions on their naivety. I am curious how this ends for them all.

BTW there is literally nothing "woke" about this show. There are two interracial couples. Absolutely nothing else that would ring "woke" in any circumstance. That should tell you plenty about that reviewer.
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