The Witch meets Elfenlied
4 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story of "The Witch" really reminds me a lot of "Elfenlied".

Just like in Elfenlied, we have a superhuman, superstrong girl who isn't all human and has telekinetic abilities. Also just like in Elfenlied, she has a very innocent and a very dark side.

As in Elfenlied, mercenaries and hunting teams are after her. And she also is taken in by two young adults (although these are brother and sister, not cousins).

It now seems clear that this is going to be at least a trilogy. But I don't quite understand if this movie was necessary.

We don't really get too much information about this new girl. Heck, I didn't even understand that she apparently is the same girl on the bus in the beginning. And which one is her mother? I know there's this woman, the one Dr. Baek (the one who died in part 1) talked to in a flashback(?), but who is the other woman with longer hair? When does this take place?

I saw the first movie maybe less than a year ago, but I have to admit, I really can't remember who is who anymore or if they'd been in the first one, except for the paralyzed Dr. Baek.

And who is this team of hunters going after them? They seem to be the first(?) generation batch of super humans (outdated version) who now hunt the "better models", but why is one of them played by an overacting South African dude? I mean, nothing against the guy himself, but foreigners always stick out in Korean movies, unless they're Asian too or Russian.

As with most Korean movies, the cinematography, sound and picture are superb, but I really felt this movie was too long and confusing. It didn't really further the plot much and seemed more like a "made for Netflix" movie.

I'll re-rate this movie after I've been able to watch the whole trilogy, but for now, it seems subpar and a bit too clicheed for me.
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