Albatross (II) (2022)
A film like i've never seen before
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on accident as part of a film festival, knowing only the title and nothing else, and i'm so glad that I did. I really appreciated how different this movie is to ones i've seen previously and it was nice watching a movie that kept me engaged and curious the whole time. It touches on a lot of subjects that still are relevant today, without feeling like it's got some agenda to push on you. Speaking to the filmmaker after the movie, I learned this movie was created and filmed during the peak of COVID, and the restrictions that created I think really made for a unique and special movie. It also features stage actors, as opposed to film actors, which makes for a different viewing experience - and i'd love to see more movies like this.

Throughout the whole movie I kept thinking I had it figured out, only to keep finding out that I wasn't even close. The characters are complex, and I found it nearly impossible to pick one single favorite and "root for them" the entire film, as their dynamics are constantly changing. I bought this movie on iTunes, and i'm looking forward to watching it again, and seeing what else I can pick up on that I missed the first time around. I think this is a movie that would be worth watching a few times.

This movie also portrays drug use (LSD), but not in a way i've ever seen, in fact, i'm not sure i've ever seen LSD used in a movie. I found this to be really interesting in it's approach, especially given the time period it's set. It was engaging to see how the LSD affected the character development It really fits well with the story, and likely wasn't an uncommon substance to be used during this time in the medical/research field.

This movie made me anxious and uncomfortable - wanting to go in and help the characters out of their situations. It's powerful to watch a movie and feel compelled to enter the set. I really commend the whole team on what they were able to accomplish, and definitely recommend giving this movie a shot.
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