Boiling Point (I) (1993)
Fair potential, sadly rendered mostly inert
1 August 2022
There are a lot of very recognizable names and faces in the cast, and they all do their part to bring the story to life. Even as the picture begins with a flash of violence, however, the ensemble is the most notable part of the movie to really catch one's eye until another big bang, just over halfway through the runtime - at which point we return to very, very gradual escalation. What we get more than not is a lot of conversation with voices hushed or raised, constituting piecemeal investigation or efforts to pull together a job. 'Boiling point' is well made from a technical standpoint, but when it comes to writing, this is a very low, slow boil.

The narrative is solid enough, but the scene writing could hardly be more subdued, and James B. Harris' direction echoes that aspect of his screenplay. It feels like we're getting a thriller without any thrills, a drama without any weight; what action we see is minimal. Sadly, a preponderance of the length passes by without making much of an impression at all. It's a shame, because there are many fantastic actors here, and some really swell ideas from which a more engrossing feature could have been formed. As it stands, 'Boiling point' emphatically struggles to meet its potential.

Whether a film aspires to horror, emotional impact, or profundity, the one thing all worthwhile works of cinema should have in common is earning a distinct reaction from the audience in one way or another. For a picture to fail to do so is worse, in my mind, than for a it to inspire abject criticism. For a movie to be unremarkable because it closely resembles other titles is one matter; for a movie to be unremarkable because it's instantly forgettable is certainly another. Despite everything this has going for it, 'Boiling point' elicits no reaction, and begins to fade from memory before it has even ended. None of this is to say it's bad, but with so many other titles one could watch instead, why bother with this one at all?

It earns a soft recommendation if you're an especial fan of someone in the cast, and it's decent enough for a lazy day. I think you should actively keep your expectations in check, though.
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