Hunting Bears (I) (2021)
A poignant short about two brothers
30 July 2022
This short film really hit a chord with me. Clocking in at 10 minutes, Hunting Bears is evenly paced and builds to a climatic conclusion. It focusses on the lives of two brothers; Kenny, who suffers with alzheimer's, and Andy, the youngest of the two, who is now Kenny's carer. The overall idea here is, "Who cares for the carer?", as it comes quite apparent that Andy is struggling with his new role as a 24/7 carer for his older brother.

Nathaniel Parker and Joel Beckett are magnificent in their roles. The director, Jason Ruddy, has directed and written a well rounded short here, that shows he is in control of what he wants to achieve with this piece. The cinematography is masterfully done and the soundtrack from Dave Rowntree fits the short perfectly. I will look forward to seeing what the director does next.
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