Memphis Belle (1990)
Old-school war movie - 2022 review
30 July 2022
This sort of war film should be a sub-genre of its own - a deeply stiring yet family-friendly war movie.

Here we meet the young men going off to fight, we watch them joke, dance and chat the night away with the big mission looming in the morning.

This is in stark contrast to modern movies such as Fury where the new crew member has to scoop up the face of the previous driver before he can take his seat.

Films like Memphis Belle concentrate on the emotional strain rather than the gore.

The paniced voices of young men screaming for help over the radio as their plane tumbles to the ground hits deeper than the chunks of guts and severed body parts in newer movies.

The CGI is obviously not up to modern standards but it is used sparingy and inconjunction with lots of real footage.

The action scenes are fast and frantic using the thump of the machine guns to cover up the lack of visuals.

The dialouge is a little chunky but it is good enough for the simple story.

A classic moive that is a perfect Sunday afternoon.
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