Proof in and of the pudding , I experienced similar times....
28 July 2022
This brought back memories, too many anecdotes for this forum! I searched OLD MOROVIANS BOYS SCHOOL unfortunately without success !

Things have changed since those distant post WW2 days. Briefly looking back, it is quite apparent t least to me that a good teacher needs more than the knowledge of her or his subject ? In short in addition to subject matter awareness and confidence ,, they need the talent to inspire , which hopefully would lead a pupil, boy or girl to find the subject being taught, worth paying attention to thereby finding more value doing so as opposed to widow gazing and dozing off into dreamy fantasy land ? That often was my reaction and objection to any study or learning. ! And I was not alone with that negative attitude which i have lived to regret.

So in the film we did see some examples of boys channeling their thoughts to anything but the subject at hand !

This was typical and prevalent within the British school system, also of the 1950s/60s. At this stage in a young girl or boys life, going to school and battling with complications such as parental confusion, puberty and for girls menstruation all lumped together in a morass of daily confusion , none of which received understanding or sympathy , often leading to early pregnancy or early loss of virginity in the irresponsible, frustrated boys. Ok , the era of this film was far too old fashioned to deal with any of this issues ,! And once again, as in some of my previous reviews i have not said enough about this extraordinarily well acted, directed and produced first class story taken from an author i had never previously encountered albeit W. S. Maugham is familiar to me . Strange man that he may have been, in his desire to get the known author of that time all riled up in an attempt to upset him thereby apportioning self aggrandisement ?

An interesting psychological conundrum ? I do highly recommend this film for having all the essential elements of pathos, suspense, a romantic episode, very muted humour and a truly stunning, wholly unexpected finale !
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