Olga (II) (2021)
" How are we all going to live with this?"
26 July 2022
A beautifully crafted piece, with a stunning young Ukrainian gymnast actor doing by the way some stunning moves, alongside a number of not so well filled-out characters, that speaks to the tragic political situation & to an extent the condition of any teenager seeking to find a place in the world. It's hard not to be sympathetic with the character, but I dare say the movie is more craft, propaganda even, than approaching great art, but it remains extremely touching and beautifully photographed. Much use is made of real-world chaotic news footage, sometimes cleverly superimposed on the quiet Swiss scenery of well furnished gymnasiums and perfect chocolate box scenery. One goes on a perilous journey in the eyes of the young woman and the young emancipated nation and throughout I kept thinking 'how is this possibly going to end well?'... A short and optimistic coda supplies an element of balm on the existential ache.
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