For All Mankind: Bring It Down (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
Takes suspension of belief to whole new heights
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's been said many times that the way these people act should result in all of these catastrophic failures. Every step of the way idiocy has reigned supreme. Danny is a terrible character and I don't care to see him redeemed. Here are all the things we are meant to believe to this point:

1) That Helios and NASA would allow so many personal connections for one of the most critical and dangerous missions in human history. Apparently CRM isn't a thing in this timeline.

2) That NASA allows direct news feeds to be broadcast from Mars to Earth, unmonitored.

3) That they would approve a known substance abuser with personal connections to the Flight Commander to take a mentally and physically exhausting mission.

4) That highly addictive medicine, and apparently all of the ships medicine, is easily accessible and not highly controlled and counted. Apparently that giant ship has no professional flight doctor.

5) That time and time again there are no fail-safes or procedures to ensure redundancy. "I gotta go off comms to run the numbers" is the most laughable beat. When I was a flight communication operator you had about 5 people on comms for routine operations in the air. Redundancy. But these terrible writers hate redundancy.

6) Drilling for water...on the edge of a cliff.... 7) No pressure failsafe for the drill.

8) Kellys attitude and drama with her father again would never happen because she wouldn't be there...also how was she a pilot + a top tier microbiologist? You can't study microbiology at Annapolis.

9) Ed would put his life in Danny's hands after berating him and having multiple conflicts...again I guess Helios has no CRM procedures.

10) Helios has no procedure in place in case someone suffers from space madness/becomes disruptive to the crew.

This show has lost me. Too much is sacrificed for the sake of manufactured drama. There are plenty of ways to introduce drama. But clearly the production team values everything else besides a good script. Done with this mess.
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