For All Mankind: Bring It Down (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
The stupid parts outweigh the good parts
23 July 2022
I like this show, but the Danny subplot is really trying my patience. I know Helios is a private company and mission, but really, are we to believe that they would let Oxycodone (a CLASS II NARCOTIC) just sit on a shelf where anyone could get it and gulp down as many as they want? At the very LEAST, it would be locked in a cabinet, and ideally two different people would have to verify counting the pills and dispensing it. Because, y'know, not only is it a HIGHLY ADDICTIVE SUBSTANCE, if they were to run out they err, uhhh, ARE ON ANOTHER PLANET AND CAN'T GET ANY MORE.

Also, if Danny was taking only one at a time, his latest ingestion where he was shown to shake at least eight or nine tablets out of the bottle and swallow them all at once? He wouldn't have had to worry about feeling out of sorts and ill-tempered, he would have had to worry about continuing to breathe.

Finally, it's time, and past time, for someone to call Ed out on his "be a man" macho bullcrap. Although I suppose that's a testament to Joel Kinnaman as an actor, that he can make Ed a selfless professional one minute and a toxic jackass the next.

I love the overall Mars storyline, but some of the characters have turned into idiots this season.
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