Amazing solo performance - gripping from start to finish
22 July 2022
I saw this last night as a cinema screening of the live stage performance - my overriding feeling, the following morning is one of awe at the acting talen of Jodie Comer.

Others will write better, fuller reviews of the play, the story, the points it raises, but without giving away any spoilers, I just wanted to say this performance has to be one of the more impressive I've ever seen. 2 hours, almost non stop of Jodie talking to the audience, creating various scenes and characters, taking you on a journey, all whilst standing on a stage with just a few props.

The production is very cleverly done and allows Jodie's character to move between events with elegance and fluidity. It is the perfect platform for Jodie to show her acting talent and range - I am sure many, like I was, will be surprised at just what a strong actress she is - it's the sort of performance you might imagine from the British acting elite like Dame Judy Dench et al, not someone so young. If this is an indication of where she might develop her skills, the sky truly is the limit for Jodie.

Obviously the story covers very important and powerful points and if you watch this and aren't left thinking and discussing with friends and family afterwards, I'll be very srurprised.

It's a shamre that more people won't get to see this performance - I only wish I had been in the actual theatre to see it rather than on screen, as I can only imagine how charged the atmosphere must have been when actually in the room. People applauded at the end even in the cinema - in my experience, in this country, that doesn't happen very often at the cinema - so you can take that as a benchmark for how good this is.
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