Review of 2000 Mules

2000 Mules (2022)
Lights! Chimera! Action!
21 July 2022
This entire wad is a chimera - a fantasy built to confirm your belief that Trump was cheated. At last you know how "they" did it! The fact that every single thing here is a lie or a deception won't matter.

For instance, all the video of "mules" at drop-boxes. D'Souza claims he has 1000 HOURS of this, but all we see are three or four clips of people dropping off a ballot. These are run repeatedly from different angles so the narrators can fantasize about what the "mules" must have been thinking. One person takes a selfie; from that comes the theory that pictures were demanded by mules paymasters. Another wears gloves; which is obviously to avoid fingerprints. She tosses those in the trash; clearly as instructed to do. Onlookers do nothing; certainly because they are too shocked to react. Etc.

In all those 1000 hours D'Souza has NONE that shows a person going to more than one box. Which is THE HEART of his mules theory, of course. So he FAKED those scenes with the actor Jacob Hyman, not listed in the film's main credits. And in all that video he has only one person dropping off several ballots. He calls this poor man a "criminal"; but it turns out that the ballots were his family's so perfectly legal. No apology from D'Souza - but he is being sued.

Then there's the cellphone data, which according to Gregg Phillips exactly confirm the theory of mules gathering ballots at non-profit organizations and distributing them around the city. The fact that locating someone AT a dropbox is impossible means nothing. And of course that data won't be released and the analyses can't be verified. And Gregg is responsible for the enormous lie that millions of illegals voted in 2016. His word here is equally worthless. And btw CRUCIAL to the film's claims.

Then there's the "non-profits" such as nursing homes, shelters, community centers, 4H homes etc. Thousands of staff there apparently coerced or tricked hundreds of thousands of residents to vote for Biden, then fed these ballots into the mules system. Strangely, none of these people or their victims or the mules have come forward or been found in all this time.

D'Souza doesn't leave it at tha. Every line of the script and every reaction is crafted to further the deception. And being professional work is very persuasive... especially to those who want desperately to believe. So we see people claiming that it's "irrefutable evidence of massive fraud".

A chimera - created from nothing but tearing our nation apart. That's the real crime here.
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