AGT Extreme (2022)
What were they thinking?
19 July 2022
I thought this was going to be fun, but ended up being a total waste. Let's get professional stunt carnis to come on the show. Let's get worse acts than other acts in the same strain and move them to the top, let's show repeat content... Over and over, let's have more ad time than actual show. You didn''t show us more performances by the acts that moved on. You did waste a whole episode using "stupor fans" to judge. You did show a poor schlub try twice in the one of only two finale performances, yet still made us cringe at home. You did show us the professional stunt carnis do a finale performance that reminded me of a pretty lame show I saw 40 years ago. The rest was filler and flip. All were eligible for the darwin awards. Only a couple acts should have been able to pass, and it sure wasn't the ones chosen. Come on, the big stunts made nice filler in the regular AGT show a few years ago. Now for the kicker. If you are going to be judges on an extreme AGT, you better either own the show, like Simon, actually be a stunt performer like the creator of Nitro Circus, or have a great personality like T. C. Simon, please stop hiring bimbos as the female judge. It's like on the regular show. Heidi never had talent, and she just wastes space. And Howie is a bimbo as well, who acts more moody and disingenuous than any female than any talentless bimbo that has ever been on the show. Howie was once funny, but has turned into an arrogant gint that lets his phobias judge an act before common sense. Wl, there is now one bimbo to rule them all. This WWE tasteless trash been around the block bimbo, has never done anything extreme, wouldn't know what extreme was if it hit her in her hawkbilled nose, and couldn't act her way out of wet toilet tissue. A piece of stale moldy cardboard has more personality. I hope their is a 100% improvement before a next season, or better yet, don't make another season. Oh, and for the regular show. Next time Howie phobias someone, make him read his contract and get him off the show. Hasn't been funny since his cocaine days. Heidi, you were a stick figure model. A manequin in a Goodwill could replace you, and everyone would be happier. Please Simon, fans from the beginning. Real fans in our household. Not "stupor fans". Get the AGT shows back on track. This is a dismal year in the making.
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