Blue Bloods: Triumph Over Trauma (2020)
Season 11, Episode 1
One of the worst episodes of the series
18 July 2022
Two very experienced detectives and neither one calls in their location before knocking on a door?

To very experienced detectives with guns and they can't signal their location in the middle of a busy neighborhood or defend themselves?

Another very experienced cop knocks on a door canvassing, a guy who is clearly hiding something answers, and the cop just walks away unsuspicious? In every other Blue Bloods episode this exact same scene acted and written in the exact same way would have had the cop following his gut, knowing the guy was hiding something. But in order to draw out the melodrama in this episode, the same cop is, conveniently, a dope this time.

Bias STILL being written as the cliched weak "woman cop," literally reduced to simpering and crying in the corner while she waits to be saved by her manly man partner? I don't know how the actress has put up with it this long.

More down-playing and dismissing of racism among police ranks? And this, in a show set in the city where Eric Garner was strangled to death by a cop. Give me a break. It is professional negligence and just plain old bad writing for a television writer to willfully ignore history in a show that purports to be ripped from the headlines.

And to cap it all off, the most awkward, forced concluding Sunday dinner scene maybe of the entire series. The actors looked and acted like they'd rather be anywhere else and a conversation is filled with that forced awkward laughter that we've all experienced. Shudder.
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