Zombies 3 (2022)
Zombies 3 Rating (This is my POV. don't be offended if you don't agree.)
16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Zombies 3 was quite the "exceptional" movie if i do say so myself. This movie has gorgeous graphics with the aliens, mother board, tech, etc! So why am i giving it an 7/10? Well let me tell you why.

Summary of the movie (SPOILERS AHEAD) Zombies 3's main focus was for 1) Zed to get into Mountain College with Addison so they could have a well future together. And 2) The aliens could find the most important artifact (that contained the coordinates of Utopia) in Seabrook in order to find Utopia. On this event, some unknown visitors (the aliens) beam down causing for all of Seabrook the reek havoc upon itself while the interviewer for Mountain College is just about to interview Zed.

My opinion I think there was a well balance between the Mountain College plot and the Alien's plot. Zed was a nervous wreck (Exceptional Zed) trying to pick himself up before his big interview and the Alien's trying to see if the Moonstone (Come on out) was the important artifact. Both had incredible songs (which both are in my top 3) and kudos to the whoever made the choreography for Exceptional Zed, it was quite well done.

Soundtrack The soundtrack could've done better, it's the last movie of this franchise i get it. But the last two movies had songs you could never forget and knew the lyrics too even if you didn't watch the movies. But this movie only around 3 rememberable songs and the rest is just bad in my opinion. The 3 songs in question are Alien Invasion, Come on out, Exceptional Zed. This is due to the fact that these 3 songs actually bring something to storyline, you can tell what each characters thinking/feeling even within the lyrics.

In Alien Invasion, everyone is deathly afraid of the mothership causing havoc amongst the town which causes them to become defensive towards the aliens.

In Come on out, the wolf pack is upset with the aliens for "lying" to them and are trying to find them and deal with them their own way without Addison's generosity.

In Exceptional Zed, Zed is nervous for is big interview because whether he gets in or not depends on the future for zombies and wolves. Causing him to stress out.

Graphics I actually don't have a lot to say but just wow. The Graphics are very beautiful, the way the portray the lighting, mothership, etc is just so wonderful.

Balance on each Species I feel like the wolves were the most underrated in the movies. The last movie, it was practically all about them but now they are hardly getting any representation. I understand they had one song, but what did the wolves (besides willia, wyatt and wynter) do for the plot? The zombies were also pretty underrated, Last movie they were super noticeable with being in the plot and songs, but now it's mostly just Bonzo, Eliza and Zed. Humans was a decent balance, they weren't too out of it but i feel like they could've deserved more screentime. Like Bucky for instant? They just called him president then called it quits for his character. Addison definitely had a lot of screentime and helped out with the plot but i'm pretty sure it's only because she's the main character (no offense at all!) And then Aliens, Too. Much. SCREENTIME!! Look, i understand the aliens were the major plot twist of the movie but what they were trying to accomplish was way too overlooked. Why couldn't they have just been more discreet about winning the cup instead of making it into 50+ clips of them talking about a plan? Cant they read minds? That's what confuses me the most.

Ending (SPOILERS UP AHEAD!) The ending actually made me cry, when Zed and Addison have to say goodbye to eachother because Addison was the "important artifact" and was needed to find Utopia. Oh. My. God. This scene actually make me sob so hard, well done to all the actors who played in that scene. Knowing all that the two characters have been through makes this goodbye scene even harder for me to watch. And just like that the two kiss. Poof, goodbye zed, goodbye earth. AND THE CAST SINGS A REMAKE OF SOMEDAY?? I SOBBED SO HARD.

WELLLLLL we are forgetting the fact that the alien's end up realizing that they can just live on earth on not move galaxies away. I hated this part only because why couldn't they have just realized that before getting aboard? Making the Zeddsion scene so hard for what?

Anyways, Addison and the Aliens come back to earth. Addison and Zed, relived to see eachother share a hug while Addison is glad to be back to earth and not having to leave the ones she loves.

Then come sing songy time (Nothing but love) leaving the characters all happy to be. Finally no more doubts or worries and all species come to seabrook freely thanks to Addison and Zed.

Final Review This Franchise has been with me since i was a child and seeing the third and final movie come out breaks my heart. I honestly want more of it, but people get bored of stuff eventually. I'm happy Zed and Addison finally got their happy ending, Wyatt told Eliza her feelings and Ali-a and Willia going to the dance together melts my heart (Lgtbq Representation) Overall, this was a great franchise and i'm glad i could share my thoughts with you guys on the last movie. If you haven't seen the last two movies, i definitely recommend watching them! But if not, definitely rewatching them lol but anyways this was my review on zombies 3

this is val, signing off !
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