Review of Resident Evil

Resident Evil (2022)
No where near as bad as people make it out to be
14 July 2022
A sci-fi horror drama focusing on a corporation conspiracy for some parts and then focusing on survival horror for the other parts.

Some of the acting is subpar, but the main character (who you'll be seeing a lot of) is a decent actor. Some of the other characters are also interesting and the dull characters do not stick around for long. In places, the atmosphere is suspenseful and you can tell most of the budget went on the monsters, followed by the sets.

The story does the same thing other series like Arrow does where it cuts between past and present. The past follows the teen characters understanding the truth of the corporation and effectively provides context to the corporation and eases you in to the characters. The present is a post-apocalyptic world where the main character is fighting to survive and carry on. Most dramatic bits are in the present, but the past is somehow more interesting.

It feels like the series doesn't pander to the fans and they hate that. The series isn't perfect (hence the score) but it's not bad. If you like this type of genre then go for it, it's not a slow burn. You can get right in. I wouldn't encourage anyone else to watch it but if you have some time to kill and want to start a new series then don't shy away from this one.
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