Better Than I Initially Expected
13 July 2022
This film essentially revolves around a man named "Tobias Simms" (James Craig) who is also believed by some of the local residents to be the notorious bandit known as the El Paso Kid. And with each daring robbery his reputation gets even more tarnished. So much so that his wife "Zee Simms" (Lynn Bari) has become ashamed to show her face to many of her neighbors. To that effect, when she threatens to leave, he subsequently promises her that he will go straight. However, he soon finds that this is much more difficult than he realizes and that his past actions still have consequences that he must eventually face. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I wasn't generally expecting much from this film as I figured it was just another grade-B Western produced during a time when they were all too common. However, having now seen it, I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by it overall. Admittedly, the fact that it was filmed in black-and-white and the picture quality wasn't that particularly good, certainly didn't help matters. Even so, I thought that both James Craig and the beautiful Lynn Bari performed quite well in their respective roles and for that reason I have rated this film accordingly. Slightly above average.
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