Angelyne (2022)
I was around in the 1980s but I chose not to drink any of Angelyne's wacky Kool-Aid
12 July 2022
Who comes up with some of these TV Mini-Series to try and resurrect a nobody who is still trying to be a somebody? This is a retro 1980s mockumentary that is as appealing as it would be today to wearing bell bottom jeans. Not Likely.

Who paid for all those billboards Angelyne? Truth is, who cares.

It may be based loosely on some semblance of a biography but there was little appeal to myself to continue watching after the second episode but I persevered through all five episodes much like one cannot take their eyes off of a bad multi car pile up. Angelyne whose real name is Ronia Tamar Goldberg, and her heritage is a Polish Jew who apparently wanted to hide her real identity and birth name and create the phony idol Angelyne, one can only imagine where she received her financing from to self-promote.

On another criticism anytime I see a film starring a second generation actor/actress I remind myself that nepotism is not the way to promote an unknown actor/actress just because they are born with a famous surname. To understand this self-imaging just look at some of the actors that star in 2021's Licorice Pizza with the surnames Hoffman and Spielberg. If you want to reflect on the 1980's with an excellent historical event film with real stars, a great music score and an entertaining plot throughout, then watch Director Quentin Tarantino's 2019 Oscar winning film "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" It's a true classic.

As for Angelyne there is a very good reason most Generation Y filmgoers have never heard of her, there is no story to follow folks.

I give this mini-series a dismal 3 out of 10 IMDb rating.
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