Chocolat (1988)
Great visuals and what you'd expect from the late 80s school of film
11 July 2022
If you're looking up this movie you're already into this type of film or are just googling what it is all about, I picked it up for a $1 at a local record shop and did not know it was a french language film, the last F. L cinema I watched was Manon Of The Spring snd the follow up to it back in the early 90s, it was what I expected and had great visuals and landscapes, it was a bit slow and tedious and nothing much really happened outside of angst and boredom and regrets, I probably would never watch it again but I'm ok spending an hour or 2 having seen this flick that I never would have seen at 21 yrs old in 1988 when it came out. Funny enough I remember getting dragged to Out of Africa back then, that was a long movie and not a guys delight either at the time but you do what you do to keep the girlfriend happy back then.
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