Overall review of all the episodes
10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The starting few episodes made me feel that the series might be boring. The storyline has been very slow till episode no. 7. Few parts of the series were just mind-blowing and also some parts made me left in tears. The time when Big was shoot to death was very sad. I didn't liked the main couple much but the side couples got my heart. Kinn Porshe's relationship was no doubt good. Bit certain times it seems like they only want each other for sex. Talking of the first side couple. The way Vegas was treating Pete when he kidnapped him made me angry and the fact that after that Pete still loved him was nonsense, but later in ep. 14 when I found there chemistry to be understanding, and the last scene of ep. 14 made me really happy. Pete's acting is of another level. Now about the 2nd side couple KimChay. There chemistry had been good, but later when Chay realised that Kim only used him for his own purpose was very heartbreaking. There story had been left with a loose end. I hope that it more parts of their story will be included in second season. Also KimChay is my favourite couple. The best scene that made me aww were when Chay was in Kim's arm in Porshe's home before being kidnapped and the 2nd one was the ending scene of the series. The characters are overall good. I think Kinn's character could have been improved. Kim is my favourite from the series. Overall the series was good, the action scenes were on another level and some parts were literally mind blowing....
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