Review of Maggie

Maggie (2022)
Not usually a binge-watcher
10 July 2022
I usually don't sit in front of the TV and binge watch a series of shows. If I like something, I'll savor it over a period of sometimes several days. I'm also not particularly fond of characters who are mediums. But Maggie was different. She was likeable, humble, a little self-absorbed, but in a good way. She's concerned about her friends, family, and professional relationships, as well as her clients, sometimes to a fault. I bonded with virtually all the main characters. And there was some romantic tension ... a will-they or won't they vibe. My wife heard me yell at the end of the season, "No! NO! What just happened!!??" The only way I'll find out is when the second season arrives, hopefully tomorrow!
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