Terrific slice of life with a long list of memorable characters
6 July 2022
This must be a true indy . . . I doubt it got much, if any, theater run. I stumbled into it on Freevee, a streaming service.

Many positive aspects -- a film that touches on many of today's relevant issues -- family, blended family, a special needs child, a couple that cares but cannot stay together, a strong dose of faith and, best of all, seven or eight characters you care about.

Hard to select one cast member above the others, but I was most strongly struck by three older men. Mark Margolis and Eric Roberts play the fathers to two of the lead characters. John O'Hurley is a Roman Catholic priest who provides much of the conscience and direction to sheep who have wandered from the flock.

Extreme change of pace from most of what's getting to theaters these days. Smoothly shot (Denver) with an excellent score. Has some feel of a Hallmark offering; thankfully, this is without the too-polished gloss and smiley faces of most Hallmarks.

Definite plus; worth 95 minutes of your time. Family fare with some parental guidance suggested. Too few like this as we push two decades into the millennium.
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