Solid, but not the masterpiece it's presented as.
6 July 2022
Essentially it's simply a hyper-naturalistic film, a genre that's well established. It has no story to speak of, no particularly likeable character, and emulates the look of a documentary by using non-actor and real-life events as plot devices to punctuate its mercyfully short hour and half.

Sadly, apart from the excellent (and gloomy) ending, it didn't do it for me. It's not that it's bad - it's just that so many movies beat it at its own games: "It's only the end of the world" does a far better job at viewer alienation through a cacophony of dialogue for example.

Its weakest point is the absolute lack of story - where you have masterpieces like "Enemy" or "Upstream Color" that deliver powerful narratives without ever using a hint of exposition through dialog or 'flashbacks'.

"Heaven Knows What" cannot be accused of over-exposition, but has no story - it feels like it missed its own trick throughout, despite a near-perfect delivery in terms of production. The tired topic and transposition to NYC from the more quiet Bayonne are aslo both hurt the movie further.

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