Good for the plot
5 July 2022
Despite the title, the anime is quite serious. Like several modern anime series, this one is also plagued by some tropes. As of July 2022, the main character is a generic anime protagonist. I don't dislike that but I'd prefer if future titles would add something unique to their protagonists. For instance, they could have gotten a voice actor with a unique voice for Bell whiles still keeping his kindness and naivety. That would have made him stand out in comparison with the cliché shy protagonists in numerous anime shows. I have nothing against Bell because he works well for the plot. However, after watching countless anime, Bell is just a shade of the several generic protagonists I've seen. As a result, he's forgettable.

The side characters, in contrast to the main protagonist, are rather complex. I enjoyed their moments. My only problem is some of the female characters. They don't all have to fall in love with the main protagonist. If you've watched lots of anime like I have, this forced harem gets too old and cliché. Look at Avatar the Last Air bender or Attack on Titan. The females in those shows are simply human. Not all of them exist just to fall in love with the main character.

The strongest point this series offers is its plot. In the first season, it felt like your typical plot where the low ranked protagonist climbs up the ladder and becomes powerful. From there the show becomes complex. It explores its world setting and introduces engaging arcs that are perfect to binge watch. The show isn't perfect or top tier. However, its plot makes a good argument.
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