Too Sappy, Too Boring, Too Forced
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the other person who wrote a review, I actually watched the entire film. I was looking for something patriotic to watch while I was home with a cold on July 4th. I knew from the trailer that it would be a sappy movie, but since I lean conservative, I thought it would be refreshing to see a movie that was obviously from a conservative point of view. I also like time travel stories.

Unfortunately, the film was no fun. It felt too preachy and contrived, and was not as whimsical as I was expecting. Too much time was spent in dead-serious soapbox mode, and not enough time was spent in comedic mode. This film won't convince any leftists to change their thinking. I'm the choir the movie is preaching to, and even I didn't find it convincing.

The main character was told at one point that she needed to translate the Constitution to a simple message for young adults. This set up a goal for her, but we never see how she accomplishes the goal. We are only told that she went on a bus tour (yawn) that was very successful. Screenwriting 101: Show, don't tell.

Her big speech at the end was not climactic; it was a bore.

I'm sure the filmmakers had good intentions, but it takes more than that to tell a good story and be entertaining. This film missed the mark. I gave it three stars because the concept of a music-based time machine invented by Benjamin Franklin is original. Unfortunately, the whole movie was not a good as that one idea.
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