Minder: What Makes Shamy Run? (1984)
Season 5, Episode 2
Especially good form
5 July 2022
One of my favourites. The plot, in which fly-by-night young Indian Shamy passes Arthur forged $20 notes, is nothing special. The quality lies in the supporting cast being on especially good form.

Detective Sergeant Chisholm is even more uptight than usual, his ambition to nail Arthur apparently to be forever thwarted: "there are certain things in life more important than nicking Arthur Daley, but at the moment I can't think of any". Dave has no better luck reproaching Arthur about his slate, which is "getting longer than Gone With The Wind". Dave is a man of few words but they are always very much to the point.

Not forgetting a one-off comic turn from Fred Evans as The Syrup, as in syrup of fig - wig. A vain, deluded fool, Syrup imagines his 'Roger Moore' makes him look like Moore, but sadly he's more Albert Steptoe in a very obvious wig. Splendid stuff.
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