Review of Savage

Savage (1996)
Not that bad..........
4 July 2022
This movie isn't as terrible as people make it out to be and the story does make "sense" if you have a reasonable attention span and pay attention. It scores points with me because it isn't immediately clear who the bad guy is and what exactly is going on, but it does manage to unravel at a decent enough pace and tells a story, such as it is. The biggest goof for me is that they are using Cro-Magnon man as a point of reference and part of the movie takes place in Cro-Magnon caves even though the story clearly takes place in North America, a continent that never had ANY prehistoric peoples that I know of and certainly not Cro-Magnon people. They couldn't have used the Aztecs instead? As I type, there are elites who actually think they can upload their personalities into some sort of digital format and there is already a good chunk of the population obsessed with a moronic device their carry around in their pockets, not unsimilar to the virtual reality devices shown in the movie, so these guys weren't completely out there by any means, although I'm sure it was unintentional.
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