Maiden Effort
29 June 2022
Viewed on Tubi.

OVA miniseries that follows Aika Sumeragi, a high school student whom has recently acquired her salvager's license (she can pilot a sub), and as such is invited by her school's "Adventure Club" to go on an expedition to a mysterious set of co-ordinates that were left in a message hidden in the butterfly tattoo of another student whom is amnesiac regarding her past (I'm not making this stuff up).

At it's core this could have been a pretty fun setup for a sort of lighthearted "Indiana Jones" like fare, but it gets really "out there" way too fast with way too short a run time (only 3, short, episodes), that it's hard to care about any of it by the time it's over. Granted, I'll give it effort for at least realizing it's silly & doesn't take itself too seriously (during the numerous gunfights it's mentioned that they're only using tranq rounds & no one is dying), and hey if you're here for the cheesecake fan service it delivers (It's nearly omnipresent, even if oftentimes OTT & ridiculous).

Animation is fine. Not the most accomplished out there, but the action has relatively good flow to it & I really enjoyed the design & look of the sub (too bad we didn't get more action inside of it). My biggest complaint (that really shouldn't be levelled against the show itself) is that it's clearly the SD version of an HD show on Tubi (granted, this is probably more on the rights holder uploading a DVD copy rather than a Blu-Ray).
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