"With God's help, we will learn from Cornholio today, and we will become better men."
27 June 2022
As other people have written, unlike many modern reboots and sequels, it's like a time portal to the '90s because Mike Judge changed nothing. I have rarely laughed as much at a comedy from the last couple of decades during this movie's first half. It lags a bit in the second half, but even during those mundane moments I was pleased to waste time with my favorite morons.

I was 15 when I discovered them on Liquid TV when they were 15, so it was... haunting... to see Judge's representation of them as they would appear as my age today. It was brief, yet haunting. But decades of idiotic living would truly cause that appearance. It's "the faces of meth" without the meth, I guess.

Great job, Mike Judge.
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