The Book of Queer (2022– )
Fantastic, and informative for EVERYONE!
25 June 2022
Wow! If history was like this in school I would have paid more attention! Fun, informative and an absolute delight from start to finish. Some startling historical facts (backed up with solid research and academic integrity) presented with humour and intelligence. I have seen three episodes and can't wait for more.

The Book of Queer is for everyone, at least everyone who has an interest in history, an open mind and a sense of humour. Sorry, narrow-minded, bigoted homophobes, if you find this show offensive. Please open your eyes and see that the world is a big, beautiful place where everyone deserves respect and the freedom to be themselves. And lighten up and have a laugh, for goodness's sake!

I am an old hetero granny and I love The Book of Queer. And the gorgeous Miss Vanjie appears in Episode 3, so there's even more reason to watch this wonderful show.

Kudos to everyone involved. Thank you for all the effort you've put in (not the least of which is getting your PhDs!).

As of today Book of Queer has a rating of 3.5. I can just imagine all the sorry haters who saw "Queer" in the title, didn't even bother to watch it, and gave it a big ol' 1. What sad little lives those people must live!
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